Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Announcement: Blog is now private! So now Luis's students can't read it, and I can actually use his name without calling him "Hubby."

This morning, I got up at 6:00 am and spent three hours at the beach with my mom watching my brother surf at Kua Bay. Here is a little video I found. Waves were huge today (medium size in video)

There is snow on Mauna Kea (click here for the webcam). It is just so amazing to be so hot at the beach and look up and see white stuff.

Luis and I are in charge of appetizers, so we are making crab stuffed mushrooms. Then we are going up to my parents house and basically porking out until we can barely move. We are bringing Pista and Cosi so we don't have to be worried about them being alone on the holiday (yes I know that is cheesy).

Tomorrow Paul, Luis, and I are going to head up Mauna Kea and enjoy Hawaii from the top!

1 comment:

Carlos R. Cruz said...

I feel like it's a secret tree house or something! Why were Luis' students reading the blog and why was it bad??? My Thanksgiving was fine... went over to my favorite bar and had some turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and some pumpkin pie...hhhmm... so freaking yummy. An afterwards, there was an 80s party... will post pics soon. Later...