Monday, September 17, 2007

honu and high tide

Paul and I went surfing this morning before work (I have a new job!). At 6:30 am, the sun hadn't come up yet, but the ocean was as warm as bathwater.

Although it was high tide, Paul and I went out anyway. Although there is more water between us and the coral that threatens to scratch me to bits when I fall off, the waves sucked. Moved too slow, and they didn't crest, so there was nothing.

We tried for an hour and a half and completely failed to catch anything (it was the waves, not us or the new boards from Costco!)

When we came in, there were honu (sea turtles) EVERYWHERE. Seems like the hightide gives them access to rocks and places they don't have access to usually, so we had to detour around them to get in. I took a couple shots.

We are going to try again around 4:30 during low tide, hope the coral doesn't scar me up:)

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