Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Business Plan?

Happy Birthday Ellie! My best friend from college is now 28 years old ( I am following suit in 9 days). Although it is only 4:10 here, it is already 11:00 in Japan, so I will ring her tonight when she is getting off of work (although she will probably be doing sake bombs with her beau in some swanky karaoke lounge in Toyko).

Ellie and I have been friends now for 10 years. God I am shocked. That means I have been friends with Sungi for 9 years, and friends with Habibi for 12 years. Nuts.

Hubby and I went to a Halloween party last night. He was a zombie and I was a banshee. Pictures will be forthcoming.

Two interesting things I would like to alert my dear readers to:

1) - while it has undergone its test period and now they are constructing the site for actual implementation, keep an eye on this site!

If you are ever board at home or at work, and feel like thwarting people who are far more miserable than you try to better their lives and scratch out a meager income on this earth, go to this website, watch the live camera feeds, and report any suspicious activity.

2) Incredibly cool and subtle tee-shirts for news junkies. My husband and I comb a variety of papers each day and keep track of the news by refreshing every thing from to These tee shirts only make sense if you know your news. For example:

And last but not least, here is an Interesting Contest from Intuit:
Intuit came out today with big news: a campaign encouraging you to start your own business. The “Just Start” campaign consists of several exciting parts: a way for you to tell your entrepreneurial story or dream online; a contest; a traveling exhibit visiting four major cities; and even free accounting software.

Intuit launched the website. At the site you can submit your start up story, either in a short video or in text and have a chance to win 50,000. Remember all those late-night brainstorming sessions Habibi? Let's get some cash! Sungi, you should apply for this too!

1 comment:

Ericita said...

Thank you, Danita :)

The picture (top) reminds me of our good old college days.....!
Wow, I can't believe we've known each other for almost 10 years now.... craziness!!