Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Candidate Match Game

Hubby and I just had a wonderful mini-honeymoon, photos will come later, but in the meantime, a friend of mine from my MBA program named Miku forwarded me on this really fun game from USAToday, which I normally detest for its banality and superficiality, but for the first time I am forwarding on. The quiz takes about 10 minutes and you can see which candidates matches you politically. If you go to the matrix view when you are done, you can run your mouse over each issue and see a blurb about what the candidates think. It is your Halloween Political Digest!

Candidate Match Game

Too bad none of my candidates have the slightest chance of actually winning.

Mike Gravel (D)
Kucinich (D)

Post your results in the comments section if you want, would love to see how people match up.

1 comment:

Guisun said...

I kinda knew that my candidates would probably be republican as I become more extremist with age. couple of years before, my view regards to illegal immigration would be to work some kinda of plan to facilitate, but with time you lose patience and take a more conservative stance and just punish by deporting. So my results were;
Ron Paul (R)
Rudy Giuliani (R)
Dennis Kucinich (D)